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Recommendations for hybrid UPC++/MPI applications

With care, it is possible to construct applications which use both UPC++ and MPI explicitly in user code (note that this is different from UPC++ programs which do not explicitly use MPI, but are compiled with UPCXX_NETWORK=mpi: such programs do not require any special treatment). Note however, that strict programming conventions (below) must be adhered to when switching between MPI and UPC++ network communication, otherwise deadlock can result on many systems.

In general, mixed MPI/UPC++ applications must be linked with an MPI C++ compiler. This may be named mpicxx or mpic++, among other possible names. However, on Cray systems CC is both the regular C++ compiler and the MPI C++ compiler. You may need to pass this same compiler as $CXX when installing UPC++ to ensure object compatibility.

Certain UPC++ network types (currently mpi and ibv) may use MPI internally. For this reason, MPI objects should be compiled with the same MPI compiler that was used when UPC++ itself was build (normally the mpicc in one's $PATH, unless some action is taken to override that default). Additionally, the MPI portion of an application should make use of MPI_Initialized() to ensure exactly one call is made to initialize MPI. See 'Correct library initialization' section below.

Both MPI and UPC++ cause network communication, and the respective runtimes do so without any coordination. As a result, it is quite easy to cause network deadlock when mixing MPI and UPC++, unless the following protocol is strictly observed:

  1. When the application starts, the first MPI or UPC++ call (i.e. MPI_Init() or upcxx::init()) which may result in network traffic from any thread should be considered to put the entire job in 'MPI' or 'UPC++' mode, respectively.

  2. When an application is in 'MPI' mode, and needs to switch to using UPC++, it should quiesce all MPI operations in-flight and then collectively execute an MPI_Barrier() as the last MPI call before causing any UPC++ communication. Once any UPC++ communication has occurred from any rank, the program should be considered to have switched to 'UPC++' mode.

  3. When an application is in 'UPC++' mode, and an MPI call that may communicate is needed, the application must quiesce all UPC++ communication and then execute a upcxx::barrier() before any MPI calls are made. Once any MPI functions have been called from any thread, the program should be considered to be in 'MPI' mode.

If this simple construct of alternating MPI and UPC++ phases can be observed, then it should be possible to avoid deadlock.

Correct library initialization

When writing your hybrid MPI / UPC++ program, it's important to correctly initialize both layers before using them. When doing so, it's crucial to realize that UPC++ might also be initializing MPI inside upcxx::init(), e.g., in order to control MPI-based job spawning. Whether or not this happens depends on your site configuration (see next section).

The recommended method for hybrids with no special MPI thread safety requirements is a formula such as:

#include <upcxx/upcxx.hpp>
#include <mpi.h>

#include <iostream> // optional

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  // init UPC++

  // init MPI, if necessary
  int mpi_already_init;
  if (!mpi_already_init) MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

  /* program goes here */
  int mpi_rankme, mpi_rankn;
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_rankme);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_rankn);
  char hostname[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];
  int junk;
  MPI_Get_processor_name(hostname, &junk);
  std::cout << "Hello world from UPC++ rank " << upcxx::rank_me() << "/" << upcxx::rank_n()
            << ", MPI rank " << mpi_rankme << "/" << mpi_rankn << " : " 
            << hostname << std::endl;

  // Finalize MPI only if we initted it
  if (!mpi_already_init) MPI_Finalize();

  // finalize UPC++

  return 0;

MPI thread-safety considerations

UPC++ configurations that initialize MPI generally do so with the minimal thread-safety guarantees needed for correct UPC++ operation. For UPCXX_THREADMODE=seq (the default) this usually means single-threaded MPI mode MPI_THREAD_SINGLE. For UPCXX_THREADMODE=par, this usually means MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED (where the application is responsible for serializing multi-threaded calls to MPI and UPC++ operations that may invoke MPI). If your MPI program needs full MPI thread safety (e.g., MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE), there are two possible approaches:

  1. If your current UPC++ configuration is initializing MPI for you, set export GASNET_MPI_THREAD=MULTIPLE to request it does so using the stronger thread-safety mode. Note this only has any effect if upcxx::init indeed initializes MPI and does so before any other MPI_Init* calls in the process. You can confirm the setting by running with upcxx-run -vv.

  2. Call MPI_Init_thread() explicitly before upcxx::init() with the desired thread-safety level. UPC++ configurations using MPI will detect MPI has already been initialized and act accordingly. Consult MPI documentation for the details of using this call.

Job spawning

The details of correctly spawning parallel jobs are often site-specific, especially for distributed systems. Correctly spawning a hybrid MPI / UPC++ application carries additional wrinkles on some systems. The details also differ based on which GASNet conduit your UPC++ application was compiled for (via $UPCXX_NETWORK or the default value determined at installation time).

aries-conduit for Cray XC systems

The native GASNet conduits on Cray are fully compatible with the PMI-based ALPS and SLURM spawners used at most sites. Run your job using the normal aprun or srun command recommended for MPI programs at your site.

ibv-conduit for InfiniBand networks

On ibv-conduit, the use of the MPI-based spawner is recommended for best results. To enable this support, make sure to set CXX=mpicxx when installing UPC++. You may additionally need to set $MPI_CC at install time to the location of the MPI C compiler, if the correctmpicc is not first in your $PATH. This should enable MPI-based spawning by default when using upcxx-run, otherwise you can force this behavior at run-time by setting GASNET_IBV_SPAWNER=mpi.

This assumes that job spawn support for regular MPI programs is already correctly installed and configured on your system. Consult the documentation for your MPI distribution if this is not the case.

udp-conduit for laptops and Ethernet networks

When running hybrid applications on a single-node system (e.g., your laptop) or on Ethernet-based clusters, the recommended GASNet backend is udp-conduit (i.e., UPCXX_NETWORK=udp at app compile time). A few additional run-time settings are recommended for MPI integration, and then the job can be spawned using upcxx-run:

export GASNET_CSPAWN_CMD='mpirun -np %N %C'
export GASNET_WORKER_RANK=OMPI_COMM_WORLD_RANK   # optional, assumes Open MPI
upcxx-run -np 2 hello-world

This assumes the mpirun command is in your $PATH and takes the usual arguments - otherwise adjust the above settings accordingly. It also assumes that job spawn support for regular MPI programs is already correctly installed and configured on your system. Consult the documentation for your MPI distribution if this is not the case.

The (optional) GASNET_WORKER_RANK=OMPI_COMM_WORLD_RANK setting above assumes an Open-MPI-based MPI implementation, and names an environment variable provided by the mpirun job spawner in the worker process environment that identifies the MPI process rank. This requests udp-conduit to assign the UPC++/GASNet rank identifiers identically to the MPI_COMM_WORLD rank numbering for the corresponding process. For MPICH-based MPI implementations, you may want the setting GASNET_WORKER_RANK=PMI_RANK. For other MPI implementations, consult their documentation for the corresponding variable name.

If GASNET_WORKER_RANK is unset (or names a non-existent variable) then udp-conduit may number your UPC++ ranks differently from MPI ranks, so you may want to perform an MPI rank renumbering after startup, eg:

  MPI_Comm newcomm;
  MPI_Comm_split(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 0, upcxx::rank_me(), &newcomm);
to create an MPI communicator that re-numbers the MPI ranks to match the UPC++ rank order. Consult MPI documentation for further details on using communicators.

mpi-conduit portable MPI-based backend

On mpi-conduit, your UPC++ application is an MPI program, so job spawning works exactly like it would for any other MPI program. Note this portable conduit exists only for portability reasons and is basically never the highest-performance choice for distributed systems.

smp-conduit for single-node systems

smp-conduit is currently incompatible with hybrid MPI applications, due to job spawning limitations. Please use one of the other conduits listed above with appropriate spawn arguments to use your single node. By default UPC++ will use process shared memory and efficient inter-process comms to implement all the on-node communication (bypassing the network adapter). High-quality MPI implementations will do the same.


If your application follows the recommendation above but still has problems, here are some things to consider:

  1. Some HPC networks APIs are not well-suited to running multiple runtimes. They may either permit a process to "open" the network adapter at most once, or they may provide multiple opens but allow them to block one another. Additionally, it is possible in some cases that one network runtime may monopolize the network resources, leading to abnormally slow performance or complete failure of the other. The solutions available for these case are either to use distinct networks for UPC++ and MPI, or to use mpi-conduit for UPC++. These have adverse performance impact on different portions of your code, and the best choice will depend on specifics of your code.

    1. Use TCP-based communication in MPI
      We have compiled a list of the relevant configuration parameters for several common MPI implementations, which can be found here (look for the phrase "hybrid GASNet+MPI").
    2. Use UDP for communication in UPC++
      Set export UPCXX_NETWORK=udp when compiling UPC++ app code
    3. Use MPI for communication in UPC++
      Set export UPCXX_NETWORK=mpi when compiling UPC++ app code
  2. The Aries network adapter on the Cray XC platform has approximately 120 hardware contexts for communications. With MPI and UPC++ each consuming one per process, a 64-process-per-node run of a hybrid application exceeds the available resources. The solution is to set the following two environment variables at run time to instruct both libraries to request virtualized contexts: GASNET_GNI_FMA_SHARING=1 MPICH_GNI_FMA_SHARING=enabled
