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upcxx / docs / system / crusher

Using UPC++ on OLCF Crusher

OLCF Crusher

This document is a continuous work-in-progress, intended to provide up-to-date information on a public install maintained by (or in collaboration with) the UPC++ team. However, systems are constantly changing. So, please report any errors or omissions in the issue tracker.

Typically installs of UPC++ are maintained only for the current default versions of the system-provided environment modules such as for PrgEnv, ROCm and compiler.

This document is not a replacement for the documentation provided by the centers, and assumes general familiarity with the use of the system.


Crusher at OLCF is very similar to Frontier, but not identical. Consequently, the upcxx environment modules for Crusher differ from those for Frontier, and object files, libraries and executables for the two systems are not interchangeable.

Despite those differences, use of upcxx is nearly identical. Everything described for Frontier is true on Crusher, so long as the correct environment modules are used (see below).

Environment Modules

In order to access the UPC++ installation on Crusher, one must run

$ module use /lustre/orion/world-shared/csc296/crusher/modulefiles
to add a non-default directory to the MODULEPATH before the UPC++ environment modules will be accessible. We recommend this be done in one's shell startup files, such as $HOME/.login or $HOME/.bash_profile. However, to ensure compatibility with other OLCF systems sharing the same $HOME, care should be taken to do so only if $LMOD_SYSTEM_NAME equals crusher.

If not adding the command to one's shell startup files, the module use ... command will be required once per login shell in which you need a upcxx environment module.

Information about UPC++ installs on other production systems

Please report any errors or omissions in the issue tracker.
